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COVID 19 (unexpected) lessons : DIGITAL EXHAUSTION

I really underestimated the over-digitalization of this new routine.


I am a consultant so I am more than accustomed to working from home, with just my phone, my computer and video calls etc… this is all ok but since the beginning of the lockdown EVERYTHING is digital.

A coffee or drink with a friend: on WhatsApp; a family dinner: on Zoom; a team meeting: on Teams; kids school program: on emails and on TV; fitness: on an app!  If you set aside our family meals and play time, everything is done via a screen.

I feel screen-overloaded: I underestimated big time the impact of this on my mood and so I changed some of my habits : I went back on reading books at night instead of watching series or so, I write notes down on paper and only type up the key important parts to my OneNote and I call more than emails these days … I am grateful for technologies but this is too much for me, I need to get more personal again.

I don’t know if this is affecting anyone else but I am really looking forward to real interactions, coffee breaks and sharing real drinks with people, driving the 4 hours to get to my parents’ house.

I don’t miss people, I miss driving, I miss it being real.  I have always been more into people interactions but this lockdown has proven to me that I don’t just prefer it, I NEED it.

On the funny note side, something has improved : I very much underestimated the number of people (and men in particular) I have invited to my bedroom these past 4 weeks …

We have a play room for the kids and the house is new so the guest room is not yet operational so when we have a video call, we isolated ourselves in the bedroom. It is comfy and gives a nice leafy background, but I can’t help to smile and laugh about this every time I log on.

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